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Vitamin Injection & IV Therapy

Still Taking Vitamins Orally? Only 15% of the active nutrients consumed orally find their way into your bloodstream. Vitamin injections/intravenously can effectively deliver vitamins, minerals and amino acids into the bloodstream with 100% absorption resulting in quicker recovery times and improved overall performance.

Why Vitamin IV Therapy? (Only currently offering vitamin injections not IVS)

The idea that Vitamin injections/intravenously could in fact benefit everyone is obvious - from athletes (to support performance in a safe way), to overworked executives and employees (to support a healthy immune system as well as stress-fighting hormones such as cortisol that improves concentration), to seniors (to improve nutrient absorption and support healthy aging), to women (to reduce wrinkles and improve overall complexion).


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Vitamin B-Kicker Injection

Is a combination of two of the most researched B vitamins: B6 and B12. This combination is best for energy, nerve function, mood, reduction in body pain and inflammation, memory, anxiety, metabolism-fat burning and immune support.

INGREDIENTS: Pyridoxine (B6) & Hydroxocobalamin (B12) or Methylcobalamin (B12)

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Detox RX Injection

A blend of naturally occurring substances including B vitamins and magnesium, that act as detoxifiers, antioxidants and immune system boosters. This shot provides nutrients to help your body repair damage caused by stress, pollution, radiation, infection, drugs, poor diet, aging, injury, trauma and burns.

INGREDIENTS: B-Complex: Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacinamide, Pantothenic Acid, Pyridoxine (B1/B2/B3/B5/B6), LIPO-C Methionine, Inositol, Choline Chloride, L-carnitine, Magnesium

VITAMIN IV Infusions

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Super Energy

The well-known Myers IV was founded by John Myer MD, a doctor from Boston who is one of the pioneers of Nutritional IV therapies. His research founded medical benefits for so many different conditions that his work continued past his death in 1984. The Super Energy IV is an excellent choice if you’re putting in extra hours on the job, suffering from energy loss, or just looking for a metabolic boost. The Super Energy IV can be a single use for a “pick me up” or in a series of 6-8 IVs to help boost metabolism for periods of athletic training and weight loss, autoimmune syndromes (like fibromyalgia), chronic fatigue, body pain or even depression. Consider a monthly Super Energy IV for added support to your immune system and anti-aging.


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Super Immune

A combination of B-Complex, Myers IV, and the addition of Taurine and Calcium. The Super Immune is a great choice for general nutritional supplementation and immune system optimization during the cold & flu season. It has important B vitamins and lipotropics for a metabolic boost, enhanced fat loss, restored energy and positive mood effects. People who suffer from cold sores find this IV to aid in the reduction of outbreaks. Thiamine (vitamin B1) and Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) have specifically been shown to play a role in wound healing with antiviral benefits.


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Glutathione IV push
"Skin Brightener"

*often used as a PUSH after IV or as a push alone

Glutathione is the body’s most powerful natural antioxidant and is found in every cell in the body. Glutathione is a tri-peptide (composed of three amino acids – Glutamic Acid, Cysteine, and Glycine) that bolsters the immune system and also helps neutralize damaging free radicals. Antioxidants have been shown to help your body repair free radical damage caused by such things as stress, radiation, infections, drugs, medications, malnutrition and aging. Glutathione has the potential to fight almost any disease, particularly those associated with aging, since free radical damage is the cause of many diseases as you age. The Glutathione stores decrease as we age and are exposed to drugs, environmental toxins, cigarette smoke and poor diets. When a deficiency in Glutathione develops, oral supplements do not provide an answer because the absorption in the gut is extremely poor. Injection or intravenous administration is the gold standard to maximize the antioxidant effects of Glutathione.

Ingredients: GLUTATHIONE