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The Peak Beauty® team has treated hundreds of patients for facial sculpting with dermal fillers in Dallas, TX. Dermal fillers are a non-surgical way to contour the face and enhance the lips offering temporary results that can be uniquely tailored to your aesthetic goals.

Why Fillers?

Facial fillers are made from hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is something we naturally produce in our bodies and is actually a natural lubricant for our joints. Therefore it is not foreign to our bodies. When used in the right hands, and the right amounts, it creates beautiful and natural results. The use of fillers can eliminate and soften deeper lines and folds, plump, hydrate lips, replace soft-tissue volume loss, contour & restore cheek bones while slimming the face, soften the hollows under the eyes, create a sharper jawline, balance the chin/profile of the face, create more facial symmetry, lift a downturned mouth, or rejuvenate the hands by restoring volume and disguising veins.

As we age, our skin becomes more susceptible to folds, wrinkles, and we begin to lose volume.  The volume starts to decrease in the upper face and increase in the lower face. Facial fillers can help lift, rejuvenate, and soften signs of aging, providing a solution to many concerns. Our injecting style prioritizes a natural result enhancing your own beautiful features. The best changes are when people say you look great but they can't put their finger on what you've done!

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treatment areas

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Kenz & Onna are advanced injectors and well-known for their lip plumping techniques. Lip injections are one of their most requested treatments and patients come to see them in Dallas, TX for natural-looking results.

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As we age, we all lose fullness in our cheeks, causing our face to sag and hollows to set in. Fillers can restore fullness in the cheeks and add projection above the cheekbones allowing you to look and feel younger.

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A strong chin is a common trait among people who are considered to be more attractive. Many fashion models and celebrities seek to enhance the projection of their chin with a combination of fillers and Kybella™. We can add volume and projection to this area in a short, 30-minute office visit.

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Many men, and some women are looking to enhance their weak jawline with filler injections. We can help you sculpt a strong, more defined jawline with strategically placed dermal fillers above the masseter and along the jawline.

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Laugh Lines

If you love to laugh, then your laugh lines are probably deepening with every rom com movie night. A small amount of HA filler can be injected into the laugh lines to soften these lines and give you a more rested, youthful appearance.

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Hand Rejuvenation

You know what they say, “You can’t hide your age in your hands.” Well, now there’s a treatment for that! HA fillers can be injected into the hands to restore volume and stimulate collagen production to help reverse the signs of aging in the hands.


+ How much does Filler cost?

Because everyone’s needs are very different, and with such a wide variety of treatments involving filler, a personal consultation is the best way to establish cost. With that in mind, filler treatments start at $850 for a syringe. This cost not only reflects the price of the product, but also the skill, knowledge, and expertise of the medical injector. For full face balacing clients tpyically need 4-7 syringes per appoitnment dpeending on the areas and previosu injectbable history. Sometimes clients needs 2 appointments to establish their full face restoration baseline. Then the maintaince becomes less yearly, once the intial restoring is done

+ When will I see results?

Results are visible immediately after treatment. The healing process then begins, which involves swelling for about 3-7 days depending on the amount injected, area injected, and your body. The product then settles and you’ll enjoy your final results about 2-3 weeks after injections.

+ How long do results last?

Longevity differs from person to person and from treatment to treatment. Some people may metabolize the product faster than others. Longevity also has to do with product choice, area being treated, and the amount that was injected (or if you've had filler in the past and if you still have some of that filler). See below for average longevity based on treatment:

  • Cheek Filler: 9-16 months

  • Under Eye Filler: 6-16 months

  • Lip Filler: 6-12 months

  • Nasolabial Fold (Smile/Laugh Lines) Filler: 6-12 months

  • Chin Augmentation: 9-14 months

  • Hand Filler: 9-16 months

  • Jawline Filler: 9-14 months

  • Earlobe Filler: 9-16 months

  • Temple Filler: 6-12 months

  • Hand Filler: 9-16 months

  • Sculptra: 2-3 years

+ How many treatments will I need?

Facial fillers are a temporary solution, and therefore to maintain results, treatments will need to be administered on a recurring basis (see longevity info above). Our treatments are customized based on your goals. Your treatment plan is based on the look we are creating together.

+ Will I need time to recover?

Bruising is possible, plan 2 weeks ahead of any events/vacations. Please give yourself a minimum of 2 weeks before any events or vacations in case of residual bruising and swelling.

Before any significant life events (like your wedding) please come for your filler appointment 6-10 weeks prior.

+ Who is a good candidate for dermal fillers?

The dermal fillers that are used in our practice have naturally-occurring ingredients such as hyaluronic acid. Therefore, there is no need for allergy testing before dermal filler treatment and most patients are excellent candidates for this cosmetic solution to aging and other facial concerns.


If you receive filler treatment with a hyaluronic acid product, such as Juvéderm® or Restylane®, you may have some or all of your filler dissolved if you are not satisfied with your results. Treatment to dissolve hyaluronic acid dermal fillers involves injections of Hylenex®, an enzyme to dissolve the product. This is a great characteristic of the product and makes it safer than some of the more-permanent fillers that are on the market. Although it is very rare to want anything dissolved, most find the fact that it is not a permanent procedure reassuring when beginning these treatments.

+ Can I Receive Filler and Botox at the Same Time?

Dermal fillers and Botox treatment can and often are administered during the same office visit. Because each product works differently in the skin, the two can be a powerful combination to achieve beautiful, natural-looking rejuvenation.

+ How should I prepare for my appointment?

  • Please come to your consultation without makeup on.
  • If interested in being treated with filler, please avoid any dental work (including routine teeth cleanings) two weeks before, and please do not have any dental work planned for two weeks after. This is for filler not botox.
  • Avoid the use of Aspirin, NSAIDS, Ginko Biloba, Garlic Supplements, Green Tea, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamins A and E, and essential fatty acids for up to 1 week pre and post injection as they will increase your risk of bruising. (if cleared to do so by your medical provider)
  • Try to avoid alcohol and caffeine 2 days prior to your appointment to minimize bruising
  • Let our office know in advance if your are on any antibiotics currently.
  • Do not plan any workouts, facial waxes, massages, facials after your appointment.
  • Do not have planned any appointments where you will be laying down after your appointment (for botox only). You must stay upright for 4 hours after treatment.
  • If you have a history of cold sores please notify our office and contact your medical provider to take prophylactic medication prior to filler treatment. This apply to lip filler patients only.
  • You cannot get your lips done if you have a healing or active cold sore. Please wait 2 weeks after your cold sore is completely healed to get lip filler.
  • Please come to your appointment on time, if you are a new patient please come 10 minutes early for paperwork (if you did not do the online paperwork before your appointment)
  • Do not apply products that are potentially irritating for 2 -3 days before and after treatment (examples- tretinoin/retin-a, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, hydroquinone)
  • No treatments for Botox/Fillers/Kybella/or Sculptra if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Please inform your provider if you are on immunosuppressive therapy or have autoimmune disorders.
  • Avoid extended UV exposure until any redness/swelling/bruising has subsided. Always apply a Sunscreen SPF 30 or higher when exposed to sun. Avoid any vaccinations within two weeks of injections.
  • Avoid lasers, peels, IPL, or skin tightening treatments following your injections. The appropriate time to wait before undergoing these types of treatments, depends on the specific device and/or treatment(s). Please discuss this with your provider.